September 26 – 28, Toronto
Between September 26-28, York university (Toronto) will be host to the Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures International Conference, presenting papers submitted to the research project, Urbanization, gender, and the global south: A transformative knowledge network (GenUrb).
GPR2C is excited to participate in this lively exchange of ideas; a central component of the Right to the City Agender is a city free from discrimination, including that of women. The purpose of this conference is to advance feminist thinking on urban research across the global south, seeking to explore how feminist scholars, activists, and policymakers understand the gendered nature of contemporary urbanization, women’s place-making strategies, and to rethink the urban from the perspective of “the global south,” not least comparatively and relationally.
Through a series of roundtable, panels, workshop, and research paper sessions the ‘Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures’ conference will create a global dialogue on the following themes:
- Comparative feminist research
- Critical policy dialogues on gender and the urban
- Feminist activism and the city
- Social reproduction and women’s place-making in cities.
The conference will bring together leading feminist urban scholars, shapers of urban policy, activists working on gender and the urban at various scales, as well as new and emerging scholars working on feminist approaches to the urban.
You can get more information about the event, including up-to-the-minute informaiton about speakers, themes, and the programme, right here!