The World Social Forum (WSF 2018) will take place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from 13 to 17 of March. The main territory will be the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), but the WSF will spread through the public, cultural and peripheral spaces of the city. It will have seminars, plenary sessions, workshops, cultural activities, conferences, marches and acts through the city.

The Global Platform on the Right to the City (GPR2C) will have a stand, to be our meeting point at the WSF and to have a space for different interactions.  The GPR2C will have 3 specific events, in addition to its Members and Allies’ activities:

1. Lutas e Práticas coletivas do Direito à Cidade: Neoliberalismo Urbano ou Vida em Comum?

Date8:00, 14 March
Place: Faculdade de Arquitetura – Auditório 2
Description: As tendências hegemônicas do urbanismo corporativo e neoliberal seguem (re)estruturando as cidades latino-americanas. Nesse contexto, a ação urbana governamental se fecha à deliberação dos cidadãos, seja por uma condução explicitamente autoritária ou pelos simulacros da participação institucional. Diante deste fechamento, as lutas e práticas coletivas de utopias experimentais na direção do direito à cidade podem jogar papel relevante na busca de alternativas para a construção do espaço, (re)abrindo possibilidades de ação pública e coletiva pelo viés do planejamento radical. Com tal perspectiva, a mesa proposta articula um diálogo entre experiências de movimentos e coletivos urbanos e de grupos de pesquisa / extensão desde diferentes cidades e países. Frente aos e apesar dos processos de vulnerabilização e precarização aos quais são submetidos(as) os(as) moradores(as), estes(as) reinventam de modo permanente estratégias de viabilização da vida. Suas práticas cotidianas expressam contra-racionalidades, conflitos, tensionamentos e brechas pelas quais atualizam-se as lógicas da necessidade e da solidariedade que articulam as suas condições de vida, através de mobilizações por demandas e direitos coletivos.

Organizers: Grupo de Pesquisa Lugar Comum (Brasil)

2.  Nuestros cuerpos, nuestros barrios, nuestros territorios. Construyendo perspectivas feministas de y desde los debates sobre el derecho a la ciudad

Date11:00, 14 March
Place: PAF I – Sala 208
Organizers: Madre Tierra (Argentina)


3. How to advance in the implementation of the Right to the City? Training workshop based on Brazilian and International Experiences.

Date: 15/03/2018
Time: 9:00 -12:00
Place: PAF VI – Room 4

Description: The Brazilian Institute of Urban Law and the Global Platform for the Right to the City will hold a workshop on the different possibilities of advancing actions, programs and policies that directly affect the implementation of the Right to the City. We will collectively reflect on the meaning of this right in the current political context and discuss the experiences in the political, juridical, material and symbolic field carried out in Brazil and in other countries for its effectiveness.

Organizers: The activity is organized by the Brazilian Institute of Urban Law and the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C). The GPR2C is composed by a wide range of civil society and local governments´ networks and organizations in more than 20 countries, such as ActionAid, Brazilian Institute of Urban Law (IBDU), Habitat for Humanity, Habitat International Coalition, Huairou Commission, Intercontinental Network for Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), International Alliance of Inhabitants, Shack / Slum Dwellers International, StreetNet, TECHO, Women in Cities International, Women in Informal Employment (WIEGO), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights and Pólis Institute.

4. Produção Social da Moradia: resistência contra a mercantilização da casa e da cidade

Date9:00, 15 March
Place: PAF VI – Sala 5
Organizers: União Nacional Por Moradia Popular


5. Acordo Mercosul-UE: negociações em regime de urgência

Date: 9:30, 15 March
Place: Geociências Auditório A
Organizers: Rosa Luxemburgo NY (EEUU)


6. Reinvent the city! Public Activity on the Right to the City from a Global Perspective

Date: 15/03/2018
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Place: Terreiro de Jesus – centro histórico de Salvador

Description: At the heart of Salvador Historical Center, we will reinvent the city through different cultural, artistic and political activities connected to demonstrate that the struggle for the Right to the City can establish a new paradigm for territorial and urban practices, projects and policies.
Organizers: The activity is organized by the Global Platform for the Right to the City, composed by a wide range of civil society and local governments´ networks and organizations in more than 20 countries, such as ActionAid, Brazilian Institute of Urban Law (IBDU), Habitat for Humanity, Habitat International Coalition, Huairou Commission, Intercontinental Network for Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), International Alliance of Inhabitants, Shack / Slum Dwellers International, StreetNet, TECHO, Women in Cities International, Women in Informal Employment (WIEGO), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights and Pólis Institute.


7. Taller 10: Por un Frente de Resistencia Urbana para la construcción de territorios de Bien Vivir y Vida Digna en América Latina 

Date:16:30, 15 March
Place: Tenda Novos Paradigmas
Organizers: Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto – MTST.

8. Moradia é central

Date: 14:00, 16 March
Place: Faculdade de Arquitetura – Auditório 1
Organizers: União Nacional Por Moradia Popular


9. Desemprego em massa e trabalho informal: organização política para resistir e construir alternativas futuras

Date: 14:00, 16 March
Place: Geociências Auditório A
Organizers: StreetNet Internacional


10. Mulheres da Moradia na construção do Direito à Cidade

Date: 16:00, 16 March
Place: PAF I – Sala 206
Organizers: União Nacional Por Moradia Popular


11. Extractivismo Urbano – Impacto del capitalismo en las ciudades en nuestro continente

Date: 15:30, 16 March
Place: Auditório A de Geociências
Organizers:  Centro de Estudios y Acción por la Igualdad CEAPI (Argentina)


12. Convergence Session on the Right to the City – Strategies and Perspectives for Global and Regional Action

Date: 16/03/2018
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Place: Faculdade de Arquitetura – Auditório 2

Description: We aim to gather in this session different actors (grassroots organizations, social movements, NGOs, activists, progressive local governments, academy, etc.) to discuss, in light of the current global political process, how to move forward in a global and regional action to shift the current development paradigm in order to set the Right to the City as the cornerstone of territorial and urban practices, projects and policies.

Organizers: The activity is organized by the Global Platform for the Right to the City, composed by a wide range of civil society and local governments´ networks and organizations in more than 20 countries, such as ActionAid, Brazilian Institute of Urban Law (IBDU), Habitat for Humanity, Habitat International Coalition, Huairou Commission, Intercontinental Network for Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), International Alliance of Inhabitants, Shack / Slum Dwellers International, StreetNet, TECHO, Women in Cities International, Women in Informal Employment (WIEGO), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights and Pólis Institute.


Join the GPR2C in Salvador, Bahia!