Call for contributions to UN Special Rapporteurs report on COVID-19 and human rights
Source: OHCHR

UN Human Rights bodies special procedures have taken various initiatives in relation to COVID-19 with the objective to stress the importance of adopting a human rights approach in addressing the crisis. The principles of non-discrimination, participation, empowerment and accountability in particular need to be applied. Particular attention should be paid to people in vulnerable situations. 

Different mandate holders, such as Special Rapporteurs and independent experts, have issued calls for inputs on different issues and situations around the crisis. The existing call for inputs are: 

  • Special Procedures experts have sent out a joint questionnaire to prepare their upcoming thematic reports to the United Nations Human Rights Council or the General Assembly on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of human rights. The questionnaire is meant to assist the human rights experts to obtain information and elaborate comprehensive recommendations on the measures taken by national, federal and local governments to protect their population and ensure the enjoyment of human rights, including particular groups at risk of discrimination or social exclusion.
    Please see the document: English | French | Spanish Deadline: 19 June 2020
  • Special Rapporteur on violence against women issued call for submissions: COVID-19 and the increase of domestic violence against women [English] Deadline: 30 June 2020
  • Having a special regard on the right to adequate housing, there is a call for inputs about this issue.

The report will reflect on the importance of housing adequacy to ensure protection against COVID-19 and on the transformation of the home during the pandemic into a medical shelter, work-place, child care centre, sport centre or nursery for the aged. It will analyse measures taken to prevent and stop evictions of tenants and homeowners during and in the aftermath of the crisis and to protect various groups at risk of marginalization, including persons living in situation of homelessness and in informal settlements. The report will also reflect on safety of children, women, older persons and persons with disabilities at their respective place of living. 

Short submissions with summaries of and hyperlinks to relevant documents, statistical data, public regulations or legislation are in particular useful. Please feel free to limit responses to particular areas of interest to your organization or to provide additional information that you consider important.

There is an on-line questionnaire (in English) covering only the questions on the right to adequate housing available here.

Inputs may be sent via e-mail or by filling out the online-questionnaire. Deadline : 19 June 2020.

E-mail address:;

E-mail subject line: Input for report on COVID-19 and right to housing

File formats: Word format is preferred. PDF documents are only accepted and published if they are accessible for persons with visual impairements.

Accepted languages: English, French and Spanish