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The Right to the City: the needed cornerstone for the Habitat III Agenda
Habitat III is a crucial moment to reformulate the life in human settlements. In that context, the Right to the City is a critical tool to ensure that all inhabitants have a place where to live with dignity, in sustainable, democratic and just territories.
Article by: Isabel Pascual

Ana FaluInterview: Ana Falú – co-founder of the Women and Habitat Network of Latin America, she is also a member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City [SPANISH]

GPR2C Statement on Core Messages for Habitat III in the World Habitat Day 2015
We launch a strong call for the inclusion of the Right to the City as the cornerstone of the New Urban Agenda and of the responsibility of all the actors for its implementation.
Statement by: Global Platform for the Right to the City

campanha techo - Latam

GPR2C demands youth participation a year before Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda
Campaign For the Right to the City “It is not really a city unless it’s for everyone”.
Campaign by: HIC, Hábitat for Humanity, TECHO, CLACSO and Pólis


ENCONTRO INTERNACIONAL 2014Habitat III ‘policy units’ experts announced
These 200 individuals are now tasked with offering recommendations on the New Urban Agenda. Though the announcement comes after considerable delay, the experts will still have to deliver initial drafts by the end of the year.
News by: Citiscope


Cidade- vilarejoWhat room for the Right to the City in Habitat III?
How will the Right to the City be incorporated into Habitat III? How will Habitat III remain accountable to the commitments of Habitat I and II and build new commitments towards more just and inclusive development?

Article by: Rafaella Lima, Alexandre Apsan Frediani and Barbara Lipietz

Upcoming Activites
Regional meetings:
Africa – 28 November, parallel to Africities 2015 – 29 November – 3 December 3 2015
Asia – 20 December, in the framework of The 3rd Urban Social Forum 2015 – 18-19 December,  2015, Surabaya, Indonesia
Europe: first trimester of 2016 (place and date tbd).

COP21 Paris – 7-8 December 2015
View All Events

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