Our new website is live and full of all the content you need to get informed and participate in the global struggle to achieve a Right to the City for all!

The website is our platform for collecting all of our actions, past, present and future, in one collective space that is accessible to all.

Looking to learn more about the Right to the City, or teach others about it? The new website makes it easier than ever to learn about the Right to the City, offering information about the components of the Right to the City, and all of our publications, training materials – You can even read about the history of our struggle!

You can also stay up to date with our activities – our campaigns, events that we are attending, news from our members – in easy to access formats in Spanish, English, and French. We hope that this will serve as a rallying point for our movement, linking together the  network and its activities more closely so as to better realise the Right to the City for all.

Be sure to check it out! https://www.right2city.org