asian urban social forum

GPR2C Team

The Indonesian organization Kota Kita, one of  GPR2C – Global Platform for the Right to the City partners, released  the  3rd Urban Social Forum event report.  This edition occurred on 19th December 2015 in Surubaya, Indonesia.

According to the entity, over 1,000 participants from more than 20 cities in Indonesia attended the 3rd Urban Social Forum, representing communities, civil society organizations and universities. Participants were able to meet with and learn from speakers from 86 institutions.

Indonesia hosts Asia Meeting of the Global Platform for the Right to the City

The forum also featured a side-event called the Asia Regional Meeting of GPR2C with delegates from Brazil, the United States, Europe, Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Singapore. These urban activists share the same concerns about making our cities better, more socially just and sustainable places to live.

The meeting was attended by 51 participants from different civil society organizations, universities and government representative from Indonesia, as well as Brazil, the United States, Cambodia, Singapore, India, Tailand and Vietnam.

DOWNLOAD here the event report