Since last year the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) has embarked on the preparation of a series of thematic papers to deepen the key conceptual and programmatic contents related to the right to the city. These documents are intended to strengthen the advocacy, training, networking and communication work of the GPR2C.

This year, we will produce four thematic documents focused on 4 components of the Right to the City:

Cities free from discrimination, in charge of Observatori DESC

– Inclusive citizenship, in charge of Kelly Komatsu Agopyan

– Quality public spaces, in charge of Luisa Bravo

– Inclusive rural-urban linkages, in charge of Contrato Social por la Vivienda


A collective learning process

In order to ensure a collective process we set up a working method that allows different visions on each document.

The consultants in charge of writing the document are at the centre of the project, supported by a reference group formed by professionals part of the GPR2C’s organisations members. They closely follow the drafting process and contribute with their comments and visions.

Finally, we organised a cycle of dialogues to hear the views of a wider range of stakeholders  (including grassroots and social movements, NGOs, professionals, academics and local governments’ representatives from different countries and regions).

The dialogue series “The Right to the City in the face of today’s challenges”

As we did last year, we organised a webinar for each of the themes of the thematic papers. But, in addition, this year, we joined forces with CLACSO and took the opportunity to present the workbook we published together: “The Right to the City in the face of current challenges”.

The aim of this series of dialogues was to broaden the focus of each paper, to bring in insights and experiences from other regions of the world and from other professionals and civil society organizations.

In the sessions, the authors of the papers in the booklet showed concrete examples of initiatives related to each theme and the consultants presented the progress of their work and received feedback.


All sessions are available on our Youtube channel:

Session 1: Cities and human settlements with quality public spaces

Session 2; Cities and human settlements with inclusive urban-rural linkages

Session 3: Cities and human settlements free of discrimination

Session 4: Cities and human settlements with inclusive citizenship

Next steps:

Following the webinar, the reference group of each document will meet and the consultants will provide a final version.

We will release the final papers in the course of next year.

Stay tuned to discover more about the Right to the City!