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A critical look inside COP25

A critical look inside COP25

Account by Alvaro Puertas, Secretary General of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) who represented HIC and the GPR2C at the conference The United Nations walled conferences are too similar to each other and increasingly resemble the tourism congress fairs and...

Urban youth in the face of climate change

Urban youth in the face of climate change

Young people are clear that it is necessary to fulfill the right to the city and radically change the way we live in our habitat Children's mural in Honduran cooperative Covimarl. Article by Isabel Pascual International Youth Day is in contemporary times a day of...


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Talks for future

In face of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Fridays for Future collective has postponed all mass gatherings around the world, calling for an "online climate strike" every friday while the global containement efforts are still in place. Beyond continuing with the weekly...


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