2024 GPR2C’s Year in Review: Celebrating 10 years fighting for the Right to the City! Dear friends, 2024 marks the 10th year anniversary of the Global Platform for the Right to the City. We celebrate this milestone in a time characterized by a delicate global context...
8M (Women's day)
How to think about Women’s Right to the City?
March 8th is a day to commemorate women's struggles around the world. The resistances that have taken place and those that still need to be sustained. This new 8th of March brings us together again, amplifying voices to which we add and raise the Women's Right to the...
Fighting for Women’s Right to the City!
As every year, on March 8 we celebrate International Women's Day. This day and the month of March as a whole is a key moment in the feminist struggle around the world. Gender equality is one of the eight components of the right to the city and one of its...
Why we talk about Women’s Right to the City
Women’s rights to land, housing, the city, and their urban assets, as well as their empowerment have been the central concern of networks and organizations- in particular of grassroots women’s organizations -which contribute from their daily experiences. It is...
How can we make the Right to the City a reality for women?
Photo Julia Kubrusly, 14º EFLAC (Encuentro Feminista Lationamericano y del Caribe) Watch the video here. On the occasion of the Campaign for Women's Right to the City, we present a video that brings together the voices of 10 expert leaders and activists from around...
For Women’s Right to City!
Photo © M.A.f.I.A. (http://somosmafia.com/wp/en/) As part of the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C)'s action plan for this year, the working groups are preparing 4 thematic campaigns related to the Right to the City: - Gender - Advocacy at the...
Women’s Right to the City in Social Networks
During the two months of the Women's Right to the City Campaign , we published in our Social Networks journalistic articles, videos, reports and research related to the issue, as well as activities and initiatives of the member organizations of the Global Platform for...
What is feminist urbanism?
The Col-lectiuPunt 6[i] , an organisation based in Barcelona, explains in a simple way what feminist urbanism is all about. We invite you to watch the video (in Spanish) or read the ideas and concepts it deals with and which we transcribe below. Video....
Child care for women informal workers proves essential to earning power
Focus group discussions conducted with women informal workers in cities in Brazil, Ghana, India, South Africa, and Thailand show that child care responsibilities have a significant impact on women informal workers’ earnings. Article by Rachel Moussie[i] Photo: Paula...
Urban safety for women in ten countries
The report Whose City?, released by ActionAid, shows that women overwhelmingly still face and are constantly under the threat of violence, harassment and intimidation in a broad selection of countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),...