Masakhane is an informal settlement in eMalahleni, Mpumalanga (north-east South Africa). People started living here 50 years ago. It has nowadays an aproximate population of more than 3.700 people. Residents of Masakhane in eMalahleni have never had running water....

Inclusive rural / urban linkages
A sustainable city/human settlement with inclusive rural-urban linkages that benefit poor people, both in rural and urban areas, and ensures food sovereignty; a city/human settlement that protects biodiversity, natural habitats, and surrounding ecosystems.Inclusive rural / urban linkages
GPR2C 2021 Thematic Papers: A collective learning experience on the Right to the City
This year's webinar series to present and collectively develop the GPR2C Thematic Papers will also include the presentation of the notebook that we have produced in alliance with CLACSO Since last year the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) has...
For the Right to the City and Housing in post-pandemic reconstruction in Latin America and the Caribbean: The GPR2C at the IV LAC Forum on Housing and Habitat
The fourth edition of the Latin American and the Caribbean Forum on Housing and Habitat, co-organized by Habitat for Humanity and Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (UHPH), took place from 17-21 May 2021. As in previous editions, the Global Platform for the Right to the...
How cities can mitigate human-nature conflict
Climate justice must be put at the centre of the agenda, radically changing how we relate, produce and consume in our societies.A group of people participates in the sit-in in front of the Congress of Deputies called on the occasion of the Global Day of Action for...
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Ciclo de debates “Avances del derecho a la ciudad en América Latina”
En 2021, se conmemoran 5 años de existencia de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) y se celebran los 20 años del Estatuto de la Ciudad (EC) de Brasil, ambos productos de importantes movilizaciones y estrategias de incidencia que han involucrado a distintos actores sociales y...
Dialogue series “The Right to the City in the face of today’s challenges”
CLACSO and the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) organize a dialogue series to advance the collective learning process of the GPR2C Thematic Papers 2021 and present the workbook "The Right to the City in the face of challenges from today" The four...
Environnement et Développement du Tiers-monde / Relais pour le développement Urbain ParticipeENDA RUP
Description: Environnement et Développement du Tiers-monde / Relais pour le développement Urbain Participe (ENDA RUP) is a network of civil society organisations from the South and deals with environment and development issues. Mission: To contribute to...
Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad – ODC
Description: Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad (ODC) is an independent and interdisciplinary social organization that vocationally participates in public debates and in all dimensions of urban policies with the conviction that cities should be...
Observatorio por el Derecho a la Ciudad de Bariloche (ODCB)
Description: Observatorio por el Derecho a la Ciudad de Bariloche (ODCB) holds meetings open to the public with the assistance of experts, to review local conditions and conflicts on: local urban infrastructure and services, demand for land and...
DESCO-Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo
Description: DESCO, Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo, is a non-governmental development institution that has been part of Peruvian civil society for 53 years. It is dedicated to the promotion of social development and the strengthening of the capacities...