Diverse and inclusive economies

A city/human settlement with diverse and inclusive economies that safeguards and ensures access to secure livelihoods and decent work for all inhabitants, gives room to other economies (e.g. social and solidarity economy, sharing economy), recognizes the domestic care and community work developed largely by women and ensures the full development of women and girls.

Diverse and inclusive economies




    Description: We are a Spanish development cooperation NGO, with a long history of work in Peru. We are currently present in several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and Europe, seeking to promote the development of peoples and...

Collectif Droit à la Belle Ville- DALBV

Collectif Droit à la Belle Ville- DALBV

        Description: Collectif Droit à la Belle Ville (DALBV) - Collective of resistance and urban popular education for the Right to the City in the Belleville district of Paris and elsewhere in the world, to find alternatives to gentrification,...

Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad – ODC

Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad – ODC

      Description: Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad (ODC) is an independent and interdisciplinary social organization that vocationally participates in public debates and in all dimensions of urban policies with the conviction that cities should be...

DESCO-Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo

DESCO-Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo

Description: DESCO, Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo, is a non-governmental development institution that has been part of Peruvian civil society for 53 years. It is dedicated to the promotion of social development and the strengthening of the capacities...

Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales- Fe De Vi

Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales- Fe De Vi

    Description: Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginales (Fe De Vi) is a social organization that brings together different organizations of the villas at the national and local levels. It was born in 1996 with the main objective of unifying the...



        Description: Urban and Rural Habitat Projects and Research Workshop (RED HÁBITAT) Red Hábitat is an organization that since 1993 has been promoting actions to recognize, respect and realize the rights to adequate housing and habitat and the...



    Description: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR) is a Research Center - Non-Governmental Organization that works on Development in different areas. Among them, we find the Area of Development and Gender and the Area...